Marilyn manson full albums

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The next album of Marilyn Manson is Holly Wood. Marilyn Manson’s Holy Wood – In the Shadow of Valley of Death: Further, It is considered as his heaviest and one of the most successful out of Marilyn Manson’s all albums. We can say that this is the master piece of Marilyn and each and every track in this album must worth a try. The Antichrist Superstar stands out as one of the all time greatest albums. Here, we have got some best Marilyn Manson albums list for you, so let’s have a quick view on them, Marilyn Manson’s Album List: 1. His albums have gained a lot of compliments and appreciation throughout the world. His songs and the quotes help people in following their own dreams. He earned a huge fan base through his music, and a lot of people find an inspiration in him. Moreover, he is always been one of those famous personalities who have never been hesitated to express his view towards the changing society in the form of his quotes and songs.

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Further, he did a lot of albums and concerts on his own. He is known for his extraordinary singing, music and also for his horrifying looks. Marilyn has successfully sold millions of copies of his albums. He is a renowned lyricist, musician, writer, actor, singer, and a painter as well. Marilyn Manson is one of the iconic personality in the history of the music industry.

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